Vic One aka Sorcerer


Member Since:

August 24, 1996


Vic-One and Galactus

Record Label:

Most Hated Records

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Vic One and Galactus
Genre: Hip Hop..... Location BROOKLYN, New York, US.................. Website Record Label Most Hated Records...... Type of Label Major



Vic One and Galactus grew up in a small latin town in the borough of Brooklyn called Sunset Park on the block of 58th Street they met in late '97 and started recording in 1998 recording the hottest mix-tapes Sunset Park had ever heard in its time, the projects were called The Document, The Document part.2, Vic-One recorded The New Jersualem Galactus solo was called The Judgement then in 2000 Vic-One returned to NY from Florida and they recorded the classic Sorcerer and a Wizard 2000 mix-tape which could've possibly been the greatest rap duo mix-tape in the history of Hip Hop..they also released several freestyles and battling mix-tapes as well..their career is legendary and the chemistry they have together is truly magic...nearly signed to a record deal in 1999 by Kenny Keys of Reign Supreme Entertainment/Heat Holders a couple downfalls back-lashed the two from signing...but life goes on and were still here and we aint going no where but to the top of the mountain to claim whats rightfully on the lookout for these 2 Hip Hop Icons to be on the rise..very soon...we appreciate your Love and Support.

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